Countdown 63 days

The most impressive orange line my six foot long map of Duluth stretches the length of Grand Avenue from 27th Ave West through Commonwealth Avenue through Gary New Duluth. I was at it until past 7 last night which meant Claudia’s chicken dinner which she timed for 7 when she thought I’d be home was a little overbaked. It took me well over twenty minutes to return home from Fon du Lac. I enjoyed driving past the many signs I put up after a good afternoon’s work. I jotted my phone number down for a couple of my sign hosts telling them how someone seemed to be stealing them from Grand Avenue where I had another impressive run of signs. I wanted them to let me know if the sign poltergeists were at work further west as well.

I must leave to donate blood in about 8 minutes so I can’t do justice to the many interesting conversations I had yesterday with people for an against Pete. All were cordial. This is true even after I launch into my intro which I keep modifying a bit. In essence I introduce myself as a 12 year school board member mention my fight to get a vote on the Red Plan neither of which will play well beyond Duluth and then add that I am intensely interested in Democracy and am unhappy that Donald Trump is denying he lost fair and square and that his nodding head Stauber is an accomplice in undermining it as well. Then I say to smiles that on Jan 6th. Stauber ran and hid with the other Republicans as the mob came for him only to proclaim the next day his surprise that it was simply a picnic he was hiding from.

Pete better stick the the telephone because if he goes door to door where he’s from he will not get a friendly reception. I for the most part have been getting them. He is very vulnerable and if I succeed in getting Democrats out to vote in the GOP primary in Aug. 13th he will have trouble surviving the onslaught…..IF I CAN GET THE MESSAGE OUT.

As he’s too timid to go door to door you can be sure he would never want to debate a challenger who calls him a traitor for his oath to God to defend our Democracy.

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