
My daughter’s car battery died so I had to give her an emergency drive to work and transport the Tan Man to daycare this morning. Gary Glass kindly jumped the car so I could drive it to Hemlock Garage to have the battery juiced up or replaced and the car winterized. GG and I will get together later this morning to discuss the last 11 days of the school board campaign while I open the envelopes which have been returned to the Vote Like It Counts PO box with book orders and requests for lawnsigns.

Gary told me he’s heard good things about the TV ad I helped work on. He has some other projects for me to work on which will require me to hold off sticking up lawnsigns a little while longer today. At least I won’t get as wet as I did yesterday afternoon sticking them up in the rain.

Not having had time for breakfast I stopped off at Perkins East before heading home. One of the ISD 709’s principals was walking out and we exchanged the briefest of pleasantries as I headed in to inspect the muffins behind the counter. I was about to pick out a frosted pumpkin muffin. (I’m very partial to pumpkin. Claudia has already made a pumpkin pie from scratch and we took the Tan Man on the Pumpkin Express last weekend to gather up four of the beasts for jack-o-lanterns) Before I had a chance to order Superintendent Dixon showed up to pay a bill. A meeting of School poobahs had evidently just concluded.

Dr. Dixon heard me order my desired muffin and commented brightly that he loved pumpkin too and had just had a pumpkin blizzard. I explained most cordially that this was one of my favorite blizzards but that I ordered mine with Reese’s peanut butter cup bits mixed in. He said he thought that sounded interesting. I told him it was delicious.

I’ve now consumed my muffin and the coffee that I ordered with it and will enter a couple more posts before I return to the campaign that will determine who will become Dr. Dixon’s boss for the next two years.

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