125 Best Get Well Soon Messages for Friend

125 Best Get Well Soon Messages for Friend

This list of 125 best get well soon messages for a friend and get well quotes for a friend will comfort them and let them know you want them to feel better soon.

#1 The letters f, u, and n do not appear in the words sick or ill. This seems fitting, as there’s nothing fun about being out of commission. May you come through this quickly so the fun can resume!

#2 Illness is like rainclouds: gloomy, oppressive, and temporary. It may feel as though your sickness will never end, but like gray skies, it will clear. Be patient and trust that best sex websites health is coming your way.

#3 If I could draw, I’d paint you a plant. A bit of growing greenery emerging from a rock to remind you that life springs vibrantly from even the most barren land. May your return to good health will be like that plant: glorious and full of life.

#4 If I could wipe all illness from the planet, I’d start with yours. Then I would clean every last virus, bacterium, germ, tumor, and other form of disease from the surface of the earth. Alas, I have no superpowers, so all I can do is wish you a speedy return to good health and let you know I’m thinking of you. Get well, my friend.

#5 Just a quick message to say that I’m thinking about you and wishing I could send rain to wash away your illness and sunshine to bring a rainbow.

Get well soon, my beloved friend

#6 Like an old married couple, our friendship has seen us through sickness and health. Before you know it, this illness will pass, health will return, and we’ll be back to bickering and laughing as we always do. Get well, my friend!

#7 Being ill is never pleasant. I hope it offers you some comfort to know that I’m thinking of you and sending wishes for a speedy return to radiantly good health. Get well soon, dear friend.

#8 The minute good health vanishes, we realize how lucky we were to have had it. Knowing how lucky you are, I’m confident that you’ll be healthy again in no time. And if it feels as though your luck is running low, you can have some of mine. Feel better soon, my friend.

#9 Although I may not be there in person to hold your hand or bring you tea, I’m there in spirit plumping your pillows, fixing the blankets, and knocking over the occasional small object, so you don’t know if it’s me or the wind. I am sending you brisk, breezy energy for a speedy recovery, my friend.

Get well soon, my friend

#10 Breath by breath, hour by hour, day by day, you’re getting healthier and moving forward while your illness sits and stagnates. Before long, you’ll leave it so far behind you that you’ll forget all about it. I wish you a swift recovery, my friend.

#11 It’s been said that “the greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.” You are well-loved by me and all your friends, which means you have access to the best healing therapy available. Please know that I’m here to help in any way and am sending loving energy to nurse you to health.

#12 The path to good health can feel like a slog, each day rolling into the next. The good news is that the sun will rise tomorrow, and one of these days, you will, too. I wish you an easy recovery.

#13 Sharing a laugh right now might make you groan, so when you recover, we’ll have all the fun and double the laughs we normally do. Until then, I’m sending happy, healthy energy your way and keeping the belly-aching laughter to myself. Feel better soon, my friend.

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