A practice debate roast was held for members and escorts few gongs •nel Mi

A practice debate roast was held for members and escorts few gongs •nel Mi

The III. Bird G irls met at Ida Green. E a. The next at Or- weld’s . Plans — —– i. Myrna Loy and Yola D’Avril. Jacob, Jacob 7432 Poe, on Tuesday evening, are under way for • charity bridge to rid Dee. The chil- The Nightingale Girls had • Than/re- will he De 2. Tillie Helper. Dec. Many important topics will dren recited their little bedtime el/dn. Mildred in’s home. A temporary report will prayer and their morning prayer hootessea. Dinner •t the Chinese Tea G•r• Dills. Antic. Sorority. Sorority held • Progress at S572 Russel street, and ar• bridge birthday tea in honor of one of movements will be made to aasist the mic games accompanied by Jewish formance at the Fox Theater.

The piece de resist Viking Club. Sion. Nov. Dee. The last meeting was held Nov. Syd Weinberg Jr. Nov. In the tw of at the home of Miss Celia Clatter and Both affairs are being conducted by the kindergarten band-the children NEW DOWNTOWN KOSHER months of the club’. Arrangements playing all sorts of percussion in• acquired four new member. The next meeting will will •IP° be made for the theater benefit struments, cymbals, triangles bells, stein. Harry Parr, George Siobin •n d be at the home of Mi. Della Cohen, to be held J•n. Theater, jointly with the North Wood- drums and tambourines; and led ‘ by Sam Weinberger. The Vikings will men t 17962 India. Meta Alpha Theta Sorority. W. FL A. Election of office.

Fagin and Loretta Gorelick were joint – he discussed

The and Russian tea at the Melbourne dens. Entertainment will be . Jean• The kindergarten teachers who Center, Nov. Mks Betty Alpiner radio •nd cabaret entert•Iners. The so, ette Silverm•n, president; Miss Janet in the conducted the demonstration were introduced the president and master of omit y will distribute profits to the needy. Berlin, vice-president : MI. Celia MO1. The pro- Final details of the brid. R.e Kabach- Miss Elsie Jackel and Miss Ann e eram consisted of vaudeville acts, tea, • rranged •t a special meeting at the home nick, t reasurer. A theater party is Ehrenpreis. About 800 people attended of Ml 4. Lillian Okun of Rosedale Court, planned. Library and Gratiot this functionnuking it one of the most Dec. Ianx bridge tournament Sunday •fter• Sigma Iota Sorority.


Mi. Blume Diener will he hos- Sierra Iota Sorority met at • the home of Where you can get those fine tast- Camarderie Club. Grace Shaw of Normandy on Sunday. A ing and inimitable Boesky Sand- the Temple at dinner Friday night. The Camaraderie Club met at the Jew• sorority get-together for • dinner and Mrs. Braverman of the Euclid Ave• wiches as well as regular lunches. Colors were. Ben Greenberg. Maurice Lifton The last wax held at the home Thursday of each month. Rase Morris lights, and Rabbi Philip Jaffa sang and Milton Schneiderman were taken in of Goldye Bornstein, 1516 Atkinson, •nd Kathlyn Pont were appointed in as member. A program was arranged Nov. Following the meeting a steak ch•rge. Miss Lillian Grave rendered • A convenient lunching place loveaholics kortingscode for busi- the Kaddish.

Nola Weiss did some seal people and downtown shopper. The evening ! Dancing followed. The , acrobatic and tap dancing. Hod. Sunday, Dec. The next meeting will be at Other Stores at brew in the religious education of fours, A clarinet solo was given by nice Goldberg, 2455 Philadelphia. Morris Voloadsky. The next meeting our children. The retiring presi- will be in the Boatel room of the Jewish Twelfth •nd Hazelwood Sigma Omega Upsilon. Philomathic D ebating. Miss Minnie Novits of Elmhurst •v e- The Philom•thic Debating Club meets Farnsworth and Hastings nue was hostess to Sigma Omega Up. Ion. Next meeting will be held at the son Branch Shaarey Zeolek . Max (‘horn- president of the association and the The Detroit ladies Aid Society will horns of Mi.

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