The Edison Debate

We candidates got about seven minutes to answer seven questions. I’m just grateful that the two quotes from me in the DNT story don’t make me sound too stupid.

I was amazed that the potential selling of Central to Edison would come to dominate the coverage of the story. I thought my suggestion that such a possibility might be made palatable with some sort of agreed upon cap was positively brilliant. I just wish there had been mention of my call to our hosts the Chamber of Commerce to support the levy. I told them that after their unqualified support of the half billion Red Plan they really ought to support a levy. Otherwise it would be like investing in a huge store and then not hiring the staff to sell merchandise. I told them I was sure their good business sense would lead them to my conclusion.

Oh yeah. And a rumor recently reached me that our District was offered $8 million for Central but turned it down. Make of that what you will.

Here’s the DNT story. I’m still looking for the video of the whole extravaganza that they promised to put online.

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