What’s another half million for the Red Plan?

In addition to spending another $250,000 to $350,000 for a third hockey rink, oops “retaining wall,” at Congdon Elementary the Duluth School District is taking almost a quarter million dollar loss on two houses it originally bought for the Congdon plans:

“also approved the sale of two properties behind Congdon Park Elementary, both of which no longer are needed for the project because of changed plans. The board unanimously approved offers for 3132 and 3144 Greysolon Place.

The district purchased 3132 Greysolon for $337,500 in 2011, and the district had it on the market most recently for $175,000.

The district purchased 3144 Greysolon for $213,000 in 2008, and the house was listed for $159,900.

Sale prices aren’t disclosed until closing. One district-owned house on that block remains on the market.”

If the District chose to hire teachers with this money instead of bolstering the hockey program it could return at least half of this money to its operating budget.

More teachers, Duluth eastern hockey. More teachers, Duluth eastern hockey. Tough decision that one.

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