Tom DeLay saves the Republic Party from Barbara Streisand

I was just listening to Tom DeLay on the News Hour on PBS. He explained that he had to take a bullet for the Republic Party to protect them from rascally liberals like Barbara Streisand and Michael Moore. 

Barbara Streisand?

Well, she is Jewish…….

You should have seen the round of applause DeLay got from his Republic friends. The Republics are deeply grateful that by giving up his Congressional seat the Republics may be able to avoid being further tainted by DeLay’s K Street Project or all of DeLay’s staffers who are copping pleas.

* “Republic” Party: I’m trying to honor the Republic Party through imitation. For years Republics have referred to their opposition as the “Democrat Party” so as to be gramatically correct. You see, Republics didn’t want to confuse voters by calling their opposition the “Democratic” Party.  They didn’t want to confuse voters by leaving the impression that Democrats were in any way “democratic!”  

The Republics on the other hand are the greatest defenders of the “Pledge of Allegience” against the depredations of that dangerously liberal 9th District Court. That’s because when Americans make the pledge its made to the Republic Party for which the flag stands.

Howdya like them big apples, Babs!

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