Rape and Order

In case you ever wondered why there is so much body building equipment in American prisons:

After asking around, and performing some calculations, the Justice Department came up with a new number: 216,000. That’s 216,000 victims, not instances. These victims are often assaulted [raped] multiple times over the course of the year.

The Republican Party is hell-bent-for-leather eager to privatize prisons. The private business prisons are hell-bent-for-leather eager to send more criminals to private prison.

Twelve years ago, back when I was still a Republican I asked This American Life if I could have a copy of their Broadcast on prison life to reproduce and send out to my fellow Republicans before the next Republican precinct caucus. They gave me a thumbs up and sent me the tape but I never reproduced it or followed through. I’d recommend listening to it here. The segment on Cablock is so funny you’ll get a hernia laughing at it. You’ll also get excellent advice about how to prepare to be gang raped in prison. Its quite graphic.

Hot Dam! I should be elected to Congress for a couple years.

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