From the Zenith about our Nadir

I haven’t read it yet although its author called me about a couple of my recent posts. I was sent this excerpt from the latest Zenith:

“While exact numbers aren’t available yet, the District has 100 to 250 more students this year than expected, reversing decades of declining enrollment and netting an additional $600,000 from the state.

Still, it’s a small recovery from the net loss of 1,779 students since 2004, according to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE).”

Dixon Middle School, indeed!

This is grim but I can only hope that some of those lost students really do represent children who are no longer in the district since my last year on the School Board. However, I suspect a lot of kids dropped out in recent years with no one to catch them.

Go Loren Martell!

Your name springs from Charles Martel who saved Christianiaty at the border of Spain over a thousand years ago. See what you can do for us.

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