Crowdsourced proof reading?

As I prepare to lock horns with Pete Stauber and the Evil Empire of President Trump, I could use some help with this:

I have ten days of writing and preparation ahead of me to get the text written and organized for this book. Eleven days from now, June 2nd. (or before), I must travel to the office of the Minnesota Secretary of State in St. Paul and file for Congress.

The last five days I have been doing the work of months roughing out two chapters a day. I have another ten days to rough out another six or seven chapters. I’ve been putting the book together like a jigsaw puzzle telling voters what I think they need to know about me and scraping off at least some of what is distracting. I want to publish a book which is at least a little more finely tuned than a Presidential tweet.

So, I hope to crowd-source my proof reading. Anyone interested in either a sneak preview or helping me mount my steed for my Quixote-like charge to topple giants will have their name pushed to the front of a very special line – the people I interview for my Congressional Office staff.

As I write this my inclination is to give no more than two chapters to any individual proof reader. Once they’ve gotten their two chapters I want my proofers to get them back to me in two days. I hope enough volunteers step forward so that each chapter has at least a couple more eyes to pass over other than mine.

I still have plenty of other book publishing related tasks ahead of me. I have to format the book, insert graphics, find a printer, get an ISBN number so that the book can be ordered from Amazon and other outlets and figure out how to set it up for Kindle and Nook downloads.

If you would like to distract yourself from corona virus isolation with this flight of fancy send me an email at:

“Who would like to help me bake the bread?” Asked the the Little Red Hen.

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