No! Pete Stauber. The impeachment inquiry isn’t “irresponsible.”

Once again, President 45 has delivered us another turd on the table. A President who has fired all the “adults-in-the-room” so that he can freely strong-arm our ally with a thinly veiled threat to throw the Ukraine to Vlad the Impailer Putin if he doesn’t get help taking down Joe Biden, crosses all sorts of lines in Article II of the Constitution.

I’ve expressed my considerable reservations about pushing impeachment in the Reader. But we have elected a pus filled boil and as the pus keeps leaking out I’ve become game for any inquiry. There are rumors that 30 Republican Senators would vote to remove him if they could vote secretly. That may be wishful thinking but at this point I’d be hard pressed to find fault with the House if its investigation led to a party-line Impeachment. (not to be confused with a Senate Trial and removal)

Our President is the punch line to the Question, “How do you know if he’s lying?” The answer: “He’s moving his lips”. A single lie got Bill Clinton impeached. “I didn’t sleep with that woman.” And like Trump’s many conquests the woman was above the age of consent. The difference? Trump didn’t deny it “under oath.” But Donald Trump did take an oath to preserve the union and he’s done his level best to divide America. That’s a couple factors worse than a perjured falsehood to save your marriage.

Congressman Pete Stauber is just one more pusillanimous Trump parasite. It’s Pete’s parasitism that is irresponsible.

The front cover of the latest New Yorker nails it:

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