Chimpanzee’s didn’t do it

“Juan Percent took me to task over my Republican’s as Socialists column. His complaints had little to do with my column. His last comment in the Reader was as follows:

Juan wrote:

So you believe that climate change is 1. Man made 2. Is absolutely going to cause a disaster and 3. The green new deal and central planning will solve it. Of course you also bought into Russian collusion, so maybe you’re just easily fooled.

I replied:


Let’s start with collusion. “Russia, if you’re listening, send us Hillary’s emails.” I could pretty well rest my case there and that was before Mueller started sending Trump’s cronies to jail. We will see how quick Trump is to force Javanka to release their private emails on foreign policy.

As for Global warming it’s simple. For 500 million years vegetation absorbed photons and made starchy energy rich carbon compounds out of them. Over those 500 million years erosion, sedimentation plate techniques and other geological forces buried a fabulous mother load of carbon based methane, coal, oil and natural gas in the ground thereby removing a heat trapping gas from the atmosphere. Something dug up a shitload of that energy, starting with the industrial revolution, and freed the carbon to refill the atmosphere and the oceans. It wasn’t chimpanzees that did all that!

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