58 days to go Photo

I started door to dooring at 9 and finished at 8. I took a picture of the streets I had already leafleted so as not to repeat them.

When I got home tonight I spent an hour watching news on Hurricane Irma. My father in law is in Jupiter, Florida on the Atlantic side in what is called flood zone D. None of his kids are with him but he has a caretaker who will move him to a much sturdier house through the big wind. I think he lost a porch in an earlier encounter with a hurricane.

After I had spent two hours walking I realized I’d forgotten to bring my water bottle. Rather than going home I decided I’d ask the first person I met at a door for water. That led to a long discussion of the hurricanes and earthquakes and then to End Times and The Book of Revelations. She was a believer whereas I’m not but when I left I noted that if the end was coming her kindness giving me water might have given us a few minutes delay.

I stopped at noon to head to Bayfront Festival Park for Harvest Fest. For about 45 minutes I passed out the trading cards and even sold a set for a twenty dollar donation. While there I came to a decision not to pass out one of them. That will be a post for tomorrow morning. I will still keep it in the pack of 50. I made the decision when a teacher looked stricken after I gave it to him. I explained what it was about and he understood, describing the card as “intense.” When I offered him a different card he took it with alacrity.

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