Catching up and chuckling

It might be hard for the casual reader of this blog to imagine that I have only just know read all the legal papers that my attorney, Craig Hunter, has filed with the Court. Sad but true. I’ve had several conversations about it and I’m quite familiar with most of its particulars but today, away from the constant distractions of Duluth, I finally read all of it. Whoo boy! A couple times I couldn’t help chuckling. The case, our case, is so obvious. What in Earth did JCI and ISD 709 think they were doing?

For a year I’ve talked with state bureaucrats who told me that a School Board’s polices are essentially window dressing and have no force of law. A hundred years of wisdom poured into a community’s school board and it is of no relevance!! It was a discouraging thing to hear. That’s not what my lawyer tells me.

If the lawyers for the District are wrong as they have been before this will be sweet.

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