4 AM – no sleep because my thoughts are worse than nightmares

And as I began typing NPR reported that there are just five days before the election. That’s what kept me awake for the last four hours. There is nothing I can do about it but get stuff off my chest here in the blog. That’s been my lifesaver through some local issues like the school board trying to remove Art Johnston on trumped up charges or the three helpless years I fought the venality of Johnson Controls and the no bid, no vote Red Plan. At least in those cases my blog could reach the local public. Still, my near impotence kept me awake far too much. Up until today the unlikelihood of a Trump victory has allowed me to sleep pretty well but now I’ve got the heeby jeebies. Trump’s just gotten some unearned momentum courtesy of James Comey and may have passed Clinton in the polls. As Clinton’s margin shrinks the experts tell us its unlikely that Trump will catch her but the swing towards our first seriously amoral candidate makes me ill. I just saw a twenty minute rain delay in Cleveland that allowed the Chicago Cubs to regain their composure and win the World Series. The FBI Director’s “bombshell” (more of a loud noise like a starting gun makes) has reinforced in people’s minds the myth that Hillary Clinton is “corrupt.”

She’s dogged true. She’s ambitious true. Those are qualities no one begrudges Donald Trump but they are apparently unbecoming in a woman. But is she “crooked?” I saw a headline last night on my cell phone that reminded me how much I admire the Libertarian Party’s VP candidate William Weld. Weld is “sticking up” for Hillary Clinton by pointing out someone as flawed as Donald Trump has no business casting stones.

I think Slate Magazine captured a pretty good comparison of the two candidates flaws: Take a look.

In my last post I called Trump a “pussy grabber.” Should he be elected I’ll be tempted to make that my standard appellation for him: “President Pussy Grabber.” I doubt if I’ll be alone. It will be my riposte to Senator Mitch McConnell’s greeting of a newly elected Barack Obama …..the Republican Party’s top priority is to make him a one-term president. Hey, I can dig that!

Last night I watched the mesmerizing last three and a half innings of the World Series. Both presidential campaigns had an ad for the tens of millions of viewers. Clinton’s was the one where children are listening to Trump as his most vulgar. Absolutely fair. Trump’s showed a picture of Hillary which made her skin blacker than President Obama’s and claimed that Hillary was guilty of massive corruption because of her foundation among other alleged crimes. That’s a political lie.

Of course, Hillary got rich legally by making speeches just as Trump got rich legally by avoiding a billion dollars in taxes deferred over twenty years due to his bankruptcies. Which “crime” is worse?

I don’t think Trump’s supporters pay attention to the details any more than their candidate does. For instance, Trump has said Clinton laughed at a twelve year old rape victim. Saying such a thing is not only scurrilous its untrue. NPR just aired a reasoned story about the truth behind Trump’s distortion.

To be fair here’s a link to a list of “Hillary’s lies” on Sean Hannity’s blog that has been circulating in the comments sections of a lot of Facebook pages. The first place I read it the poster concluded by saying he will never understand how a “moral person” could vote for Clinton.

Well, if we are going to get morality into the mix I’ll just link to an allegation I bumped into on the Internet which has mercifully not become part of the National Political conversation. Should Trump get elected I imagine it will get a lot more attention by angry Clinton supporters just to shame the “moralists” who voted for Trump. Of course, he can threaten to use his billions to sue anyone trying to embarrass him………like the eleven women who’s pussies he tried to grab……allegedly. Then as President he can issue a Presidential proclomation, like some third world dicator, allowing him to jail anyone who bad mouth’s him. (One of his campaign promises is to make it easier to sue for libel.)

I suspect that if Trump becomes President he’ll sleep in the Lincoln Boudoir.

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