History built on Republican sand

Reading my last Palm Beach Post of my Florida visit this morning I ran across this column by “conservative” Mona Charen about how the Common Core Standards threatens America and the Republican party. I particularly noted this fearful paragraph:

Conservatives like rigor and accountability. What they emphatically do not like is the leftist, anti-American propaganda that has infiltrated school curricula around the nation. At the moment, despite many claims to the contrary on the Internet, Common Core does not contain history standards, only math and English ones. Aware of the huge backlash that greeted the Clinton-era attempt to promote highly tendentious national history standards (Lynne Cheney played a starring role in exposing them), Common Core’s backers have steered clear — for now.

I’m well aware of the war over history. A famous quotes posits that its the winners in history that write it all. For the past twenty years the Republicans sans RINOs have been the winners. And they have been rewriting lots of curriculum from their oil soaked headquarters in Texas that has forced its way into the entire nation’s textbooks.

Just what sorts of things do righteous Republicans believe? Here are ten examples of what the GOP would love to see written into our textbooks if they haven’t already been so embedded.

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