Becky Lourey vs. Cheney’s Governor

One of my perks as a new Democrat who has yet to be discovered as such by the Republic Party is that I get email from both parties. I’ve gotten my second e-mail from Becky Lourey’s campaign for Governor. I haven’t figured out how to link to an email without posting it as a new page but you can check out her webpage here.

The key paragraph in her email is this:

In order to win against a charming incumbent, Democrats must do more than simply offer a candidate who will match Republicans blow-for-blow. We must offer a leader that not only motivates, inspires and captures the imagination of Minnesota voters but one who is committed to fighting for the values and priorities that support and empower our families and businesses. As a mother of 12, a grandmother, a farmer, a business owner and a champion on the issues of health care, education, the environment, and peace, my vision and leadership will turn this state around. I will restore Minnesota to its place as a great progressive leader once again. My energy, enthusiasm, commitment and unique personal story are the ingredients that give me the edge over Tim Pawlenty–ingredients that will allow me to connect with and earn the support of voters from every city, county, and corner of Minnesota.

Becky does have a varied background and boundless enthusiasm. What she may not have is guile and cunning. Karl Rove has it. Lincoln had it. Even Senator Feingold has it. If you think these terms sound too sneaky then think of this quality as “street smarts.”

Lourey is not naive. Certainly she has more understanding for people who are in pain than any Republicans I know. Nonetheless empathy alone  will not get her elected.

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