
Over the weekend I attended the funeral services for Gary Glass’s wife and faithful supporter Fayth Glass.

Fayth had been a stalwart during the Let Duluth Vote days. She had been diagnosed with cancer back in 2010 and I hadn’t seen her since then.

The service was held at the Glass’s church St. Paul’s Episcopal. Gary greeted the folks congregating for the ceremony and it was well attended. I’ve only seen Gary a couple times since the fight for a vote ended. According to an account of her life that Fayth composed for the service Gary had been attending to her closely in her final years.

Before I left had the chance to see some old compatriots. I even helped push former Representative Mike Jaros’s car out of a snowbank as I left St. Pauls.

As in my church the St. Paul’s congregation was split between partisans for and against the Red Plan. Among them was Tom Hustad a pro Red School Board member.

He’d written a letter with Ann Wasson to the editor arguing that I was a dubious choice for the Board. It hadn’t turned the tide. After the service he stopped by to talk to me as a peace keeping gesture.

We had a pleasant conversation and Tom wanted to offer me his congratulations and thank me for supporting the levy referendums. He also spoke up for our new superintendent a little concerned, perhaps, because he helped usher out my superintendent, Julio Almanza. I reassured Tom that I’d met with the new super and we seemed to be getting along just fine – ditto the finance director.

I also told him that although he’d won the argument over the Red Plan I was pretty optimistic we would use the new levies to turn the District around.

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